7,4 of 10 /
Genre: Drama /
Directors: Jay Roach /
56054 vote /
country: USA /
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Inspired by the true and disturbing scandal of the man who created Fox News, Roger Ailes (John Lithgow) and the women who spoke out against his horrible acts.
I really like the way this film is shot. The sort of narrative/meta/4th-wall-breaking style of direction is an amusing way to tell a story. I can't speak on how accurate this film is as it even begins saying some of the film is dramatized as most of these type of stories should be in my opinion. Not to create more drama than there actually was, but in most cases it makes it a better feature film and the better a film is the more likely these stories are to be seen by more people. Contrary to what I just said, I've heard more negative about this film than positive, but I thought Bombshell was better than what most people thought. A couple scenes that left me speechless in disgust and you could just feel the tension in the filled auditorium. That's definitely a strong sign and the acting was stellar. Not in my top 10, but solid nonetheless. 6.5/10.
As I mentioned in my review summary, I love the style of direction this is. You can see clear inspiration from "The Big Short" and a little bit of "VICE." The pace kept the movie going and kept the same speed throughout the film. Quick shots of a variety of close-ups adds a bit of tension and really makes you feel the spotlight of whoever the newsroom is focused on. I have to give it up to Jay Roach on this one.
The dialogue was strong throughout and once again I'm not sure how accurate of a depiction the script is, but regardless it was a strong screenplay. The writing does what it was supposed to and told in a stylistic way that made it easy to stay engaged.
There's not much to say just because everyone in this is as good as you'd ever see them. I thought Kate McKinnon did a wonderful job in her small supporting role where she's more dramatic than I've ever seen her and for me the biggest standouts were Margot Robbie and Nicole Kidman. I thought John Lithgow was fabulous as well and especially in the scenes she shared with John Lithgow were hard to watch, but VERY well acted. Nicole Kidman gave me a very grounded and real performance. If you know me, you know how important that is for me. I know of all three women, Charlize Theron is getting the most buzz and she was great, but I feel Nicole Kidman is unfortunately being overlooked. Either way, great acting all around.
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